What To Do If A Possum Attacks You?

Possums try to stay away from places where humans live and are not aggressive. Possum removal becomes necessary when these creatures invade your space. They try their best to avoid confrontations with humans as they are shy in nature and rarely pose any threat to humans.

However, if you are put in a situation where a possum attacks you, you need to take certain measures before they transmit diseases to you, attack you or cause any kind of damage at your place. Do you want to know what to do if a possum attacks you? The first thing is to stay calm and then follow the measures we mentioned in this blog. So, follow all the measures we mentioned with caution and try not to harm possums in any way.

Quick Measures To Follow When A Possum Attacks You

Stay Calm 

The key factor to follow when a possum attacks you is to stay calm and this helps in avoiding escalation of the situation. You can implement the approach of staying calm by understanding the possum’s behaviour, maintaining distance and minimising threat perception. In fact, this step is not simply about managing your emotions but also a way of non-aggressive communication with possums. Also, staying calm is a fundamental step in preventing escalation and turning the situation into a defensive encounter. So, avoid making loud noises as they can agitate possums. 

Give Space To The Possum 

Oftentimes, possums attack you only when they find no way of escaping from the place you are staying. So, what can you do if a possum attacks? Simply, provide them space and let them escape. In fact, there are different reasons why giving space to possums is important and a few of them are,

  • To Avoid Confrontation- Possums usually are inclined towards flight over fight whenever they are given the opportunity. So backing away from them allows them to retreat. 
  • Providing Escape Route- When an unobstructed path is provided, possums retreat by themselves. 
  • Avoiding Sudden Movements- Sudden movements startle possums and this triggers a defensive behaviour from them. Thus, avoid making sudden movements. 
  • Observing The Possum’s Behaviour- Observe its behaviour and take no actions like hitting and instead make it possum feel comfortable to make it eventually retreat. 
  • Maintaining Safe Distance- Safe distance is crucial for your well-being as well as a possum’s.

Avoid Any Kind Of Direct Eye Contact 

For animals like possums, direct eye contact from any other party that appears larger than them is perceived as a challenge or threat. So, one should avoid any kind of direct eye contact with possums when they are in an attacking position. In fact, by avoiding direct eye contact, you signal possums that you pose no threat to them and are also not confrontational. This in turn stops the situation from escalating and reduces the defensive behaviour of possums. Also, when you avoid direct eye contact with possums, you are giving them a chance to assess their surroundings for a safe escape route. 

Discourage Possums By Appearing Larger

Make yourself appear larger than possums by raising yourself on your tiptoes and raising your arms in the air as this stops them from approaching you further. In fact, there are quite a few reasons why this helps in stopping them in their tracks. Like most wildlife creatures, possums have evolved over time and started recognising behaviours and postures in regard to predators. Therefore, when you follow this tip when a possum attacks you, their instinctual response triggers and feel your presence as a threat. Hence, avoiding your presence altogether. 

Use Calm & Controlled Voice

One of the most important aspects you need to keep in mind is to use a calm and controlled voice when there is a possum in an attacking position. This step helps give the possums a non-threatening environment and minimises the risk of agitating them. Moreover, using a calm and controlled voice reassures the possum that you are not a predator and are not there to put them in danger. While maintaining a calm and controlled voice, assess the possum’s behaviour to see if it is not agitated and this is a good sign you can expect from your communication. 

Do Not Corner The Possum 

All you need to keep in mind when a possum is attacking is to avoid cornering it at any cost as this is safe for both possum and yourself. Possums being defensive creatures, start hissing and growling in addition to attacking when are cornered as they feel threatened. In fact, apart from feeling threatened, possums feel stressed and anxious if you move closer and invade their space. Moreover, by encouraging such behaviour, you minimize the stress of the possum and are contributing to its psychological well-being.

If Scratched Or Bitten

But what to do when a possum attacks by scratching or biting? Here are a few things you can do.

  1. Take help from medical care by promptly addressing possum scratches or bites to avoid the risk of transmitting diseases.
  2. An immediate action you can take after a possum bite or scratch is to wash the wounded area with soap and water. This helps in reducing the risk of infection until a medical expert evaluates the wound.
  3. One of the fatal and potential disease transmission from possums is rabies. So, get your wound assessed for rabies evaluation without absence. 
  4. It is advisable to take a tetanus shot in concern with disease transmission &
  5. Report the incident of possum bites or scratches to the nearby local health authorities, wildlife agencies and animal control possum management team. 


Remember all the points we mentioned and you would be about what to do when a possum attacks depending upon your situation. However, the end goal should be giving the possum a chance to escape instead of threatening their safety or harming them. Also, approach possums by maintaining a safe distance, and being mindful about their behaviour to ensure you are not causing them stress and anxiety. Most importantly, possums are usually categorised as non-aggressive creatures and thus do not confront them directly. But if you want to go for a humane possum removal instead of facing repetitive attacks from possums, you can get in touch with professionals.

Possums are small and typically grey, with white faces and stubby legs. They have superb climbing skills thanks to their long, prehensile tails, which they use for balance. Possums are usually active during the night due to their exceptional night vision and they hide and sleep in sheltered places like hollow trees, in brush piles, or under buildings during the daylight hours. People often get problems with possum removal from their homes, attics, roofs, backyard or underdeck.

However, you do not need to fear from them. You can keep a safe distance. They do not bite usually but can if provoked in some inhumane way. Here we will discuss if they carry rabies. Many people say that they spread this disease. Let us check the reality with some more facts about possums and the dangers they carry. Before that, we want you to know about this disease. 

What Is Rabies?

Intro: Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans. It is caused by the rabies virus, which is typically transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. The virus infects the central nervous system, leading to inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

Found In: Rabies is primarily found in animals, particularly in dogs, bats, raccoons, foxes, and skunks. It can be transmitted to humans through the saliva of an infected animal entering an open wound, mucous membranes, or through inhalation of the virus in bat-infested caves. Once symptoms appear, rabies is almost always fatal.

Symptoms: Early symptoms of rabies in humans may include fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort. As the disease progresses, more specific symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, confusion, agitation, and hallucinations may develop. Eventually, the person may experience difficulty swallowing, paralysis, seizures, and respiratory failure.

Bite Case: If a person is bitten or scratched by an animal suspected of having rabies, immediate medical attention is crucial. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a series of injections given after a potential exposure to prevent the development of rabies. It involves a combination of rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin.

It’s important to note that while rabies is a serious and potentially deadly disease, human cases are relatively rare in countries like Australia with effective animal vaccination programs and access to post-exposure prophylaxis. If you suspect a possum may be infected with rabies has bitten or scratched you, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

Facts About Possum And Rabies

It is essential to be aware that all mammals, humans included, can contract rabies, but it is infrequent to come across a possum with rabies. It is likely because the possum has a low body temperature for a mammal, making it difficult, if not impossible, for the disease to survive in its body. 

For this reason, it is much more probable to encounter a raccoon or a skunk with rabies than a possum. In other words, possums can get and spread rabies. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the potential risk and avoid the animals if there is any suspicion that they could be infected.

Possible Risks Of Contamination With Possums

It would help if you did not allow possums to dwell in your home, even though they may not cause much damage. Possums should still be regarded as potentially risky. Here are some of the possible risks which lead to a search for possum removal:

  • They Can Attack Pets And Kids: When threatened, possums use playing dead as a defence tactic, but if that doesn’t work, they can resort to biting as a form of self-defence. It could put your children and pets in harm’s way if a physical altercation transpires.
  • They can contaminate fruits and vegetables: Possums can help control some insects and pests in the garden, but they can also cause rabies risks or other infection risks by contaminating your fruits and vegetables or crushing your plants.

Diseases That Can Be Transmitted When Possums Are Near You

Possums carry various diseases, such as toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, tularemia, tuberculosis, spotted fever, relapsing fever, and Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis). These harmful germs and pathogens are typically harboured in their bodies and can spread to humans and pets. 

Additionally, possums are often infested with parasites like lice, fleas, mites, and ticks, which are known to transmit disease. Therefore, although possums rarely contract rabies, they should be avoided whenever possible.

Possible Indication Of Possum Presence

Here are some of the potential indications of possums present in your surroundings. Here are some of them: 

1. Bad Odour: 

The distinctive smell they emit indicates possum infestation. Possums produce more fecal matter than any other mammal, and their droppings are more significant than a cat’s. These often-wet droppings can seep into insulation materials, leading to an unpleasant scent within the home.

2. Unusual Consumption Of Pet Food: 

The presence of possums around your home is likely if you find that you keep running out of pet food.

3. Sudden Structural Damage: 

Possums may gain entrance to your building by scaling the siding. Hence, it would help if you looked for exterior damage first. Evidence of an intruder could be broken soffit boards or uncertain shingles on the roof. Inspect the roof space and drainage, too, for any damage.

4. Sound: 

Possums produce several different kinds of vocalisations, such as shrieking and hissing. Females make a clicking noise or smacking sound to gather their young ones. If you begin to hear such noises near your house, it may be a sign that a possum is in the vicinity and should be inspected.

Possum Removal Techniques From Home

If you come across possums in your yard, the best action is to leave them. Usually, they will only stay in one place for a short time and soon move on to another location. Nonetheless, if they last longer on your property, making their permanent home, taking the necessary steps to get rid of them is advisable. Here are some of the techniques for possum removal

1. Possum Repellents: 

Chemical and natural repellents are efficient in preventing possums from entering your residence. The active ingredients typically smell in these repellents are unpleasant to them. These deterrents are quick to employ. However, you will need to reapply them to be effective continually. Examples of off-the-shelf repellents that you can use include garlic, ammonia, spicy peppers, and pet hair. These substances do not harm the possums but will discourage them from getting into your home.

2. Trap Them: 

Trapping involves setting up a trap with attractive bait and waiting for an animal to take the bait. Once the animal is securely caught in the web, it must be released in a safe area far from your home. Be prepared to wait a while, as it may take the offending possums days for the offered.

3. Professional Assistance: 

The most effective solution for dealing with possum invasions is to contact an experienced wildlife control service. These professionals have the knowledge to adequately address the issue and remove the guesswork that can come with attempting to remove them. They can choose the best strategies and products to ensure that possums are kept away and will guarantee the job is done quickly and efficiently. Seek out their services and have confidence that your possum problems will be solved promptly.

4. Proper House Management: 

Possums enter homes searching for food sources, such as fruits, vegetables, small animals, and animal remains. Removing potential food sources and nesting areas, such as stacks of firewood, cluttered garages, and other regions where possums could find shelter, is essential to prevent possums from invading your home.


Possums do not pose a significant risk of carrying and transmitting rabies to humans. Despite their association with the disease in popular culture, possums have a naturally low body temperature, which makes it difficult for the rabies virus to survive and replicate within their bodies. Additionally, possums have a unique immune response that helps them resist the virus. While it is always important to exercise caution around wildlife and avoid direct contact, the likelihood of contracting rabies from a possum is extremely rare.

Australia, known for its diverse wildlife, is home to a remarkable array of possum species. These native marsupials play an important role in the country’s ecosystem and exhibit fascinating adaptations to their environments. Understanding the unique characteristics and behaviours of each possum species is essential to ensure an effective and humane approach to possum removal. In this blog, we will delve into the species diversity of possums found in Australia, highlighting the unique and endemic possums that call this continent home.

Awesome Facts About Possum Species In Australia

Possums are fascinating creatures, and Australia is home to several unique species. Here are some awesome facts about possums in Australia:

1. Diversity

Australia has a remarkable diversity of possum species, with over 20 different types found across the country. Some of the most well-known species include the common brushtail possum, the ringtail possum, and the sugar glider.

2. Nocturnal Lifestyle

Possums are primarily nocturnal animals, meaning they are active during the night. They have adapted to this lifestyle by developing excellent night vision and acute hearing, which helps them navigate and find food in the darkness.

3. Arboreal Adaptations

Australian possums are superb climbers and spend a significant amount of their time in trees. They have adapted to an arboreal lifestyle with specialized features such as a prehensile tail, sharp claws, and opposable thumbs on their hind feet, enabling them to grip branches with ease.

4. Pouch-Bearing Mammals

Like their marsupial relatives, possums are pouch-bearing mammals. Female possums have a pouch where they carry and nurse their young, called joeys. The pouch is located on their belly and opens toward the rear.

5. Vocal Communication

Possums are known for their various vocalizations, which they use for communication. These sounds can range from screeches and growls to hisses and clicks. Different vocalizations serve different purposes, such as territorial defence or attracting mates.

6. Herbivorous Diet

Most possum species in Australia are herbivores, feeding on a diet primarily composed of leaves, fruits, flowers, and nectar. Some possums, like the sugar glider, also consume insects and tree sap.

7. Sugar Glider’s Membrane

The sugar glider, a type of possum, has a unique adaptation known as a patagium. This is a skin membrane that extends between its wrists and ankles, allowing it to glide gracefully through the air from tree to tree.

8. Tail Curling

Ringtail possums have a distinctive adaptation where they can curl their tail into a tight spiral, using it as a grip when climbing or as a support when sitting on branches. This coiled tail is an excellent characteristic for distinguishing them from other possum species.

9. Urban Adaptability

Many possum species, such as the common brushtail possum, have adapted well to urban environments. They can be found in both rural and urban areas, taking advantage of gardens, parks, and even rooftops as their habitats.

10. Conservation Status

While some possum species are abundant and not considered threatened, others face conservation challenges. Habitat loss, climate change, predation by introduced species, and car collisions pose risks to possum populations. Conservation efforts aim to protect and preserve these unique Australian creatures.

Remember, if you encounter a possum in the wild, it’s important to appreciate them from a distance and not disturb their natural behaviours or habitats.

Species Diversity Of Possums Found In Australia

Australia is home to a diverse range of possum species. The possums found in Australia are marsupials, belonging to the family Phalangeridae. Here are some of the possum species commonly found in Australia:

1. Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus Vulpecula)

The Common Brushtail Possum is the largest and most widespread possum species in Australia. Recognizable by its bushy tail and greyish-brown fur, it inhabits a variety of habitats, including forests, woodlands, and urban areas. This adaptable species is known for its ability to thrive in human-altered landscapes.

2. Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus Peregrinus)

The Common Ringtail Possum is a small to medium-sized possum characterized by its long tail with a distinctive white tip. It has a grey-brown coat and large, round eyes. This species is often found in forests, rainforests, and coastal regions across Australia, primarily feeding on leaves, flowers, and fruits.

3. Sugar Glider (Petaurus Breviceps)

Sugar Gliders are renowned for their ability to glide through the air, aided by a membrane called a patagium that extends between their limbs. These small possums have a distinctive membrane-covered tail and a soft, greyish-brown fur. They inhabit forests and woodlands, mainly feeding on nectar, sap, and insects.

4. Greater Glider (Petauroides Volans)

The Greater Glider is a unique possum species that is primarily found in the eucalypt forests of eastern Australia. With its long and bushy tail, large ears, and dense fur, it is adapted for a gliding lifestyle. Greater Gliders have a specialized diet consisting mainly of eucalyptus leaves.

5. Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus Leadbeateri)

Endemic to the state of Victoria, Leadbeater’s Possum is a critically endangered species. It is recognized by its short snout, greyish-brown fur, and a distinctive dark stripe running down its back. This possum is largely arboreal and relies on the old-growth mountain ash forests for its habitat.

6. Mountain Pygmy Possum (Burramys Parvus)

The Mountain Pygmy Possum is a small and elusive possum species that inhabits the alpine regions of southeastern Australia. It has dense, greyish-brown fur, and its unique adaptations, such as hibernation during the winter, enable it to survive in harsh alpine environments.

7. Feathertail Glider (Acrobates Pygmaeus)

The Feathertail Glider is the smallest gliding possum species in Australia. Its name derives from the fringed membrane on its tail, resembling a feather. These possums are adept at gliding and are found in forests and woodlands, primarily feeding on nectar and insects.

8. Western Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus Occidentalis)

The Western Ringtail Possum is a species endemic to the southwestern region of Western Australia. With its distinctive white eye-rings and long, bushy tail, it is a charismatic species. However, habitat loss and fragmentation pose significant threats to its survival.

9. Mountain Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus Cunninghami)

The mountain brushtail possum is a larger possum species that is found in mountainous regions of eastern Australia. It has dark grey or black fur with a bushy tail and a cream-coloured underbelly. This species prefers higher elevations and is adapted to colder climates.

10. The Honey Possum(Tarsipes Rostratus)

The Honey Possum, scientifically known as Tarsipes rostratus, doesn’t rely on honey for its diet despite its name. Instead, it sustains itself by consuming pollen and nectar. Interestingly, this possum navigates trees without the aid of claws, aligning with its scientific name’s indication of their absence. Known for its sociable nature, it tends to be found in the presence of other individuals. When faced with limited food availability, the Honey Possum enters a state of hibernation. This species is predominantly found in South-west Western Australia and is referred to as Noolberger within Australia.


Australia boasts an impressive diversity of possum species, each uniquely adapted to its specific environment. From the widespread Common Brushtail Possum to the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum, these marsupials play vital roles in Australia’s ecosystems. It is crucial to appreciate and protect the native possums of Australia to ensure their continued presence in the country’s rich biodiversity.

Possums pose a threat to your house since they can rip insulation and munch on cables. Your dishwasher or refrigerator can sustain some damage as a result. The worst aspect is that possums may contain a particular strain of bacteria that, if you come into contact with them, can lead to diseases in some people. Leptospira is the name of this bacteria. Leptospirosis, which can be dangerous if untreated, is caused by it. Fever, chills, aches in the muscles, and notably vomiting are some symptoms. You must contact your doctor right away if you suspect leptospirosis. These animals are also tick and mite carriers. Additionally, possums might be infected with tapeworms or ringworms. Family members and pets may find these parasites bothersome. You should know when to Call a Professional for Possum Removal.

When To Call A Professional For Possum Removal

Know When To Call A Professional For Possum Removal

Are you unsure whether possums are residing in your house? If you do, you’ll find out quickly because these animals can seriously harm your walls, insulation, flooring, and personal items. Possums may enter your house through several entry points. 

When You See Them On The Roof

Possums frequently build their nests in attics and on roofs. They will spend most of the day sleeping and out of your sight because they are nocturnal creatures. Therefore, if you rarely venture up into the attic, this might be the ideal location to allow a possum to make a den. For possums who are expecting or nursing, nesting is typical. There may be more than one possum residing in your house if you notice a nest in your attic. Additionally, you might notice faces or detect urine in or close to a possum’s nest. Finding possum droppings or other potential indicators that a possum exists is the easiest approach to determining whether that nest in the attic belongs to one of them.

Moving Near The Insulation

Thin insulation retains heat incredibly well. Therefore, possums may view insulation as the perfect nesting material if they are present in the attic or other barriers. Possums could do major harm to the insulation in your home. In addition to being a headache, this can be highly expensive to upgrade the insulation. The earlier you take action and know when to call a professional for possum removal, the better because possum damage might be more severe.

When Possums Are Found In Walls

Possums living in your home could cause major damage to your walls if they leave holes in them. Due to their sharp teeth, they can easily bite through wires, plasterboard, and even wood. If you don’t take prompt action to get rid of the possums, they could ruin your home and cost a lot of money to restore. Not only that, but these cracks can allow additional pests to invade your home and take over.

Finding Faeces And Urine But Not Possums

Possums can cause some fairly serious damage to your home’s attic and walls when they urinate and defecate there. People may detect the scent of possum excrement in their homes before finding any signs of possums. Possum urine and faeces have an extremely potent smell that can be challenging to get rid of, even after you’ve dealt with a possum infestation. Possum excrement has other issues besides the stench that are bothersome. Their faeces and urine can penetrate your home’s walls and flooring, and leave dark brown stains.

Possums In The Garbage Area

Possums are opportunistic omnivores, so they’ll consume almost anything they come across, including your garbage. They have a keen sense of smell and can pick up on any food scraps you may have thrown aside. Possums may have been accessing your garbage bins, which is likely. They can easily knock over or crawl into your trash cans.

Why Do You Need Professional Help?

If you are dealing with possum problems, you must know when to call a professional for possum removal. These are the reasons why you may need professional help for possum removal.

  • By hiring a pro, you can get rid of the possum in the best possible way. You can take certain actions to keep them away from your property, though.
  • You can get advice from professionals to fence the area that may keep them at bay. Fixing gaps and entry points surrounding your house can aid in possum prevention. This you can do easily with the help of professionals.
  • Numerous professionals can also provide repair services in addition to removing the possum. Additionally, because they have more knowledge, trappers will know where to set the trap so that the possum has less opportunity to harm your property and its surroundings.

Conclusion: The Importance Of Humane Possum Removal

It is important to remember that possums are an important part of our ecosystem and play a vital role in maintaining balance in our environment. While they may be considered a nuisance when they invade our homes and properties, it is essential to take a humane approach to their removal.

A humane possum removal ensures that the possum is not harmed in the process while being relocated to a more suitable environment. So it is important to seek professional help when dealing with possum removal as they are protected under the Wildlife Act and harming them could result in legal consequences.

Many homeowners often experience strange noises coming from under their decks, and the source of the noise can be difficult to identify. The two most common culprits are possums and rats. In this blog, we will explore the different sounds made by these two animals and how to tell them apart. Read on to know more in detail about noise from under the deck and the animal behind the noise. 

Noise From Under The Deck Is It A Possum Or Rat

How To Know Whether It’s A Possum Or A Rat?

Possums are nocturnal animals and are known for their distinctive hissing, growling, and screeching sounds. These sounds are usually a defence mechanism used to deter predators. Possums will also make a variety of other noises, including grunts, snarls, and clicks. They can also make a low-pitched growl that sounds similar to a dog’s growl.

Rats, on the other hand, are known for their high-pitched squeaks and chirps. They also make scratching sounds as they move around, and can sometimes be heard gnawing on objects. Rats are most active at night and during the early morning hours.

Determining The Sound Of Rats And Possums

To determine whether the noise coming from under your deck is a possum or a rat, listen carefully to the sounds and their frequency. Possums make noises less frequently than rats, and their sounds are usually low-pitched and more distinct. Rats make high-pitched sounds more frequently and tend to be more active.

It is also important to pay attention to the location of the noises. Possums are larger animals and are less likely to climb or crawl into tight spaces. They are more likely to be found in or near ground-level areas, such as under a deck or porch. Rats, on the other hand, are smaller and more agile. They can climb and crawl into tight spaces, making it more likely for them to be found inside walls or attics.

How To Get Rid Of Rats And Possums?

Getting rid of rats and possums can be a challenge, but there are several possum removal methods that you can try:

Seal entry points: Rats and possums can enter your home through small openings, so it’s important to seal these entry points. Use steel wool, caulk, or other materials to fill in any holes or cracks in your walls, roof, and foundation.

Use traps: Traps are a humane and effective way to get rid of rats and possums. You can purchase snap traps or live traps, depending on your preference. Just be sure to check and dispose of the trapped animal regularly to avoid any unnecessary suffering.

Use deterrents: Certain deterrents, such as ultrasonic devices, motion-activated lights, and ammonia-soaked rags, can be effective in keeping rats and possums away.

Remove food sources: Rats and possums are attracted to food sources, so removing any sources of food in and around your home can help reduce their population. This includes bird feeders, pet food, and fallen fruit from trees.

Professional removal: If you’re unable to get rid of the rats and possums on your own, consider hiring a professional wildlife control company. They have the knowledge and experience to remove the animals safely and effectively.

It is important to note that some methods, such as poison, should be used with caution as they can be harmful to other wildlife and pets. Always follow local regulations and guidelines when trying to get rid of rats and possums.

Why Get Professional Help To Get Rid Of Possums?

If you are unable to determine the source of the noise on your own, consider hiring a professional poussum removal expert. They will be able to inspect your property, identify the source of the noise, and provide you with a solution to remove the animal and prevent future occurrences.

Getting professional help in identifying and getting rid of possums is a wise choice. Wildlife control experts have the knowledge and experience to identify the type of animal causing the problem, assess the situation, and implement the most effective solution. They also have access to specialised tools and equipment to safely remove the possums and prevent them from returning. Moreover, they are familiar with local regulations and can advise you on the best course of action that is both safe and legal. By getting professional help, you can be sure that the possums are removed quickly, effectively, and in a humane manner, giving you peace of mind and protection for your property.

Hire Your Local Possum Catchers

If you’re looking for a reliable and effective solution to get rid of possums in Perth, look no further than Possum Removal Perth. With years of experience and a team of highly trained experts, we are the best choice for safe and humane possum removal. We ensure that your property is protected from further damage. So why wait? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get rid of those pesky possums once and for all.

Possums in your attic can be a nuisance, and getting rid of them is essential. It helps to prevent damage to your home and health. Possums are wild animals and can cause significant damage to your home, such as chewing on electrical wires, nesting in insulation, and contaminating the area with feces and urine. They can also spread parasites, bacteria, and viruses, leading to health risks for your family.

Here are a few steps and measures you can take to get rid of all the Possums in your Attic. So that they don’t disturb and distract you and harm any service of your home:

1. The first step in getting rid of possums in your attic is to assess the damage and determine if the possums are still present. If you hear rustling or scratching noises, you can use a flashlight to check for signs of possums. Look for tracks in the dust, droppings, and nesting material. Once you have determined that the possums are still present, the next step is to take action to remove them.

2. The most effective way for possum removal from attic is to use exclusion techniques. This involves sealing off all potential entry points and making it impossible for the possums to get back in. Inspect the outside of your home and look for cracks, holes, or other openings that the possums could use to enter. Seal these off with caulk, wire mesh, or other materials. If you have vents or chimneys, make sure they have secure screens to prevent possums from entering.

3. Once all potential entry points have been sealed off, the next step is to set up a one-way door. This is a device that allows the possums to leave the attic but prevents them from returning. Place the door near the main entry point, such as a roof vent or chimney. Make sure to close it securely. When the possums attempt to leave, they will be unable to get back in.

4. Once they have all left, the door can be removed and all entry points can be sealed off permanently. If the possums are particularly stubborn and seem unwilling to leave, you may need to use a live trap. This is a humane way to capture the possums and relocate them to a more suitable habitat. Place the trap near the main entry point and bait it with fruit or vegetables.

5. Once you find the possum, be sure to check with local wildlife authorities before releasing it in a new area. Getting rid of possums in your attic can be difficult. But it is essential to protect your home and family from potential damage and health risks. By following these steps, you can effectively do Possum Removal Perth and prevent them from returning.


In conclusion, getting rid of possums in your attic is a long and tedious process. It requires you to identify the entry points, seal off those entry points. Try to remove any food sources, and set up traps and/or repellents. It is also important to remember to never handle possums as they can carry diseases and cause harm. If you are unable to remove the possums yourself, then it is recommended to hire a professional Possum Removal Perth. They can properly and safely remove them from your property. Once the possums are removed, it is important to prevent their return. By regularly inspecting the property and ensuring that all entry points are sealed off. With some patience and dedication, you can successfully rid your attic of possums and keep them away for good.

Possums are notorious creatures. The presence of dead and decomposing possums in your backyard is hazardous for you as well as your close ones. The drastic risk arises when the dead possum is attacked by various minute creatures like bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, insects, and other parasites. Henceforth, it is followed up by the humming of flies, ticks, beetles, ants, and many other creatures.

In case, dead possum removal is lingered on then it may infect your health and lead to numerous diseases. Therefore, the aura of the place is spoiled and disturbed by the foul smell. Thinking about how to get rid of a dead possum in your backyard? makes you anxious and disturbed. Henceforth, you may call the professionals to help you in the best possible way.

In case the possum has entered your backyard and you can acknowledge the pungent odour around you then refer to the below-mentioned steps.

Get Rid Of A Dead Possum In Your Backyard

Steps: How To Get Rid Of A Dead Possum In Your Backyard?

1. Pin Point The Location Of The Dead Possum

Whenever a possum dies, its dead body is attacked by bacteria, viruses, and numerous microbes. Therefore, the rotting stage of the dead possum begins soon after its death. Henceforth, the frequency of breakdown of the tissues is triggered. At last, it starts spreading a pungent odour inside the property. This is a sign of the presence of a dead possum at your place. The pungent odour is so strong that it’s quite difficult to ignore or get rid of it easily.

The presence of dead possums in your backyard is a huge danger to your and the health of your loved ones. As soon as you acknowledge the smell of the dead possum, you may find the humming sound of the flies over the carcass and its nearby area. Moreover, you may also find a line of ants, beetles and other minute insects moving in a particular direction, toward the dead possum. It is the best way to identify the presence of carcasses.

As well as, a dead possum attracts bacteria, pests, viruses, microorganisms, insects, and much more to attack its carcass. Hence, the surrounding environment is spoiled by the odour and unhealthy atmosphere which may lead to various diseases. Though, the presence of a dead possum in your backyard makes you uncomfortable. Therefore, it is important to have a keen inspection of your property from time to time. Sometimes, it’s hard for you to remove dead possums on your own from your property. In case you are looking for how to get rid of a dead possum in your backyard, then, you may hire professionals to present nearby you to help you in the best possible way.

2. Removal Of The Dead Possum

Soon after the keen inspection, the specific area where the body of the dead possum is present is found by you. Therefore, now it is important to get rid of dead possums in the right way so that they may not infect you. Getting rid of dead possums soon you acknowledge it is important because the presence of dead possums may spread numerous harmful diseases. Dead possum steadily attracts various microbes and bacteria, therefore, no matter, wherever the carcass is present i.e inside or outside or in the backyard of your home, removing it should be prioritized.

Usually, in the backyard, they hide between scrap, or bushes, vents, drainage pipes, and much more. They usually prefer hiding in dark places. Therefore, evaluating their actual position and removing it from such a place becomes difficult to do so. In case you are looking for how to get rid of a dead possum in your backyard? then you may hire experts to help you out in the best possible way.

3. Sanitization And Removal Of The Objects On Which the Possum Died

The presence of a dead possum ruins the space in which one lives. Therefore, it becomes important to wipe out all the jerks on time so that you may not get infected. As soon as the dead possum is removed from your property, it is important to clean and disinfect the place properly. Therefore, sanitization of the affected area is a must to keep the ambience safe and healthy for your close ones. The cleaning and removal of the infected area are important though dealing with it is quite tough. Hiring a professional can ease your burden of how to get rid of a dead possum in your backyard.

Safety Measures To Keep Your Backyard Possum Free

It is always recommended to prevent this from happening before it’s too late. Therefore, the entering of possums into your backyard may lead to an unhealthy environment and cause a lot of chaos. If the possum dies in your backyard or inside your property then it becomes more hazardous to deal with it. Therefore, it’s important to take safety measures and precautions so that they do not enter your property.

Moreover, if the possum dies inside your property or in your backyard then it is tougher for you to get rid of it. The carcass attracts several viruses, bacteria, insects, parasites, and many other harmful creatures that may spread harmful diseases and cause serious problems to your health. Intaking foul odours may cause harmful effects on your body.

Therefore, here are a few safety measures that you should consider to keep possums away from your property.

  • Seal all the trash bags and dispose of them before going to bed
  • Keep your pet and children away from the dead possum
  • Lock all the drainage pipes with the chicken wire
  • Usage of the door’s bottom sealing strips can also devoid the entry of the possums
  • Treat all the holes and cracks as you acknowledge
  • Keep the food in airtight containers 


Dealing with the dead possum is a tedious task. In case you are planning how to get rid of a dead possum in your backyard, then the above-mentioned steps can be a great help for you to deal with such a problem. In case you are not able to remove carcasses on your own then ping the professional present nearby you.

The appearance of the possums is a bit scary. Moreover, they are notorious creatures. Once they enter your place it may create a huge mess for you and your close ones. They are mainly known for stealing food, tearing things apart, destroying gardens and backyards, and terrorising pet animals. Fortunately, there are many tips to keep possums out of your garden. You can also make your garden possum-proof to make it easy for garden possum removal

Keep Possums Out Of Your Garden

Here Are 5 Tips To Keep Possums Out Of Your Garden:

1. Fill All The Cracks And Openings

Possums are good at hiding. They usually find a deep dark corner and hide where no one can acknowledge them. Commonly, they can be found in the locations like woods, gardens, backyards, bushes, fields near water, storage areas, under decks, sheds, tree crevices, under steps, bushes piles, abandoned burrows, and much more. To keep possums out of your garden, get rid of all these possible hiding spaces. Fill in all the cracks and put door slide shields under the doors so that it becomes hard for the possums to enter your property. This is one of the 5 tips to keep possums out of your garden.

Moreover, consistently look after your grass and make sure that it gets trimmed on time. Clean if there is any debris or pile of bushes present in your garden. If there are any holes in the entrance or boundary wall, repair them as you acknowledge them. Possums are fond of making their living space in the gardens.

2. Eliminate The Food Sources

Usually, possums enter any place in the hunt for food. Indeed, it is obvious that you won’t keep food in your garden to feed possums or any other creature. But if there is a trash bag that you forgot to dispose of and leave in the garden then it’s obvious that possums will come and attack it. Moreover, it may also become a habit of possums to visit your place in search of food. In case they keep on coming regularly to your place and you acknowledge them and stop feeding possums then they become aggressive and start destroying your garden. This is one of the 5 tips to keep possums out of your garden.

  • Possums are fond of fruits. So make sure that you keep your garden clean. If there is any fruit tree in your garden, the fallen fruits should be picked up as soon as you see them. Pick and discard the overripe vegetables and fruits.
  • Keep your dustbin sealed with air-tight lids. Moreover, keep all the extra and decomposed stuff in the trash can.
  • In case you feed your pet outside your property then make sure you bring back all the leftover food inside your house if anything is left.
  • Wipe all the grills and glasses regularly because the oily aroma of the food sticks with them and lasts for a long time.
  • Bird seeds are also an attractor for the possums. In case you have nested in your home and put bird food regularly then make sure that it does not spill over the floor

3. Scare Them

Like any other pest, possums also run away as soon as they find any danger signs. Using this fear as a weapon against them is the best way to devoid them to destroy your garden. Animal fur is the good way out among 5 tips to keep possums out of your garden.

After brushing your pet, spread their fur in the garden, backyard, or rooftops. The aroma of the fur will always make them anxious about the predators near them. Therefore, they won’t enter the garden. 

4. Install Fencing

Possums are good climbers. But if you install fencing which has an electric repellent or wire that would be a great favour to keep the possums out of your garden. To fix the fencing in your lawn, make sure that you install it at least 3-4 feet high from the boundary wall which should face in the outward direction. You can also add an electric fence too in the outward direction. Possums usually enter from the areas like staircases, chimney holes, drainage pipes, tree bushes, and much more. Block all the areas with the chicken mesh or steel wire, so that their entry can be devoid. 

5. Install Motion-Activated Sprinklers And Lights

Installation of motion-activated lights and sprinklers is the biggest favour to keep possums out of your property. Once they get scared, there are fewer possibilities for returning. Once possum comes in contact with the motion-activated light or sprinkler, they won’t come back. Motion activator is one of the perfect 5 tips to keep possums out of your garden.

  • Motion-activated sprinklers turn on as soon as any creature passes by the nearby areas. Therefore, the creature gets scared of it and runs away from the place.
  • Motion-activated lights function in the same way as motion-activated sprinklers do. As soon as any creature passes in the assigned radius they come under the focus light and the creature gets scared of it and leaves the place immediately.


Possum in your garden is the biggest problem. Once they enter may create a lot of nuisance in your place. Scaring them and keeping them away is the best thing that you can do. The above-mentioned 5 tips to keep possums out of your garden are the biggest way out. You may also ping professionals present nearby you, in case you are not able to deal with the possums. But while dealing with the possums on your own, it’s crucial to take care of all the preventive measures.

At night, the possums wander here and there in search of food and so they can be seen on treetops, over rooftops, in suburban gardens, along fences, etc. Generally, possums do not harm you by biting or something but they can damage a lot like they take shelter in your home by breaking something or by eating flowers or fruits, they can destroy your garden. All these activities make them a nuisance pest. You must have asked yourself sometimes How To Possum Proof Your Roof? We have tried our best to share ideas on this to help you. 

How To Possum Proof Your Roof

How Can You Identify That There Is A Possum In Your Roof

These are nocturnal animals and so you can not see them exactly as they disappear immediately in the darkness. But there are few identification marks through which you can identify them, these are as follows:

  1. Due to climbing, they cause some amount of damage to the roof, they can also damage your sidings, gutter system and eaves.
  2. Possums make many different sounds like hissing and shrieking, lip smacking sound which proves their presence.
  3. If you feel the sound of heavy footsteps on the roof then you can say that it may be a possum.
  4. Other noises, like they make scratching, scuttling and ripping sounds across a wider area on your roof.
  5. If you find possums dropping on the roof in the morning then you will become sure that they are possums.
  6. The dropping present when gets wet and soaks building material and spreads a foul odour which gives you an assurity of possum presence.

How Possums Can Go To Our Roof And Damages Caused By Them?

If your home is close to a tree or a bush or under the eaves then they can easily come over your roof as they are the best tree climbers. In this way, they get access or otherwise they can get onto your roof through the openings in the roof cavities. 

Possums can cause considerable damage to your property, especially the roof as they can destroy plasterboards, ceiling cavities, weatherboards and wirings. They can also eat plants, flowers and fruits if you grow them on the rooftop. Bad odour of their urine and if they die, then the smell which emits from their body will make your whole roof smell bad. Thus, you should take precautions from them and you have to search for options on How To Possum Proof Your Roof.

Various Ways On How To Possum Proof Your Roof

When you confirm that possums are there on your roof, then a fear develops which annoys you during the day and night. So, you have to be strong and face it and find ways How To Possum Proof Your Roof and apply them to your roof and keep possums away:

  1. Possum repellents are declared by the government. You can use them. 
  2. Traps and possum boxes can be used on the roof.
  3. Use of smells that they hate like mothballs, gasoline, ammonia, rotten eggs, garlic, etc.
  4. By placing lights and other ultrasonic devices on your roof.
  5. Some solutions like quassia chip solution and other strong disinfectant solutions may have the ability to seal their entrance.
  6. Through the removal of food sources through which they attract.
  7. You can fence your roof and make high boundaries on the roof. 

If all the above methods or procedures do not worth it, then you can move towards professionals and ask them How To Remove Possum From Your Roof.

Make Your Roof Possum-Proof With Possum Removal Perth Services

For getting permanent relief from possums and to get an answer to the question How To Possum Proof Your Roof? you should get in touch with Possum Removal Perth. We provide perfect results as we provide a customer-focused team of experts who work accordingly by changing the way they do. You have no worries at all because we are licensed and certified and work for small to large homes and other commercial buildings at minimal prices. Pick up our services today as your roof safety is your house safety.

Possums are furry little cute marsupials but are the worst destroyers. That is why they are considered pests. Not only do they tend to devastate your garden, but also scatter litter and leave an obnoxious smell. The best way to avoid the huge mess created by these nocturnal animals is to prevent their advent. However, unless you know what attracts them near your house, you cannot avert their entry. If you are interested to know the top reasons why possums are near your home, this write-up is a must-read for you! Here we will be discussing the aspects that tempt possums to come into your neighbourhood. With no more delay, let’s delve into it.  

Top Reasons Why Possums Are Near Your Home

Things That Attract Possums Near Your Home Are:

Unintentionally, homeowners engage in certain activities that invite possums to infest their homes. Once you put a stop to those practices, you can certainly reduce their infestation to a great extent. Following are some top-notch reasons that lure possums to break into your house. 

  • Food particles

Possums are the real foodies! These carnivorous animals munch on almost everything that is edible. For instance, if you leave pet foods, especially canned cat food, in your yard, the chances for these uninvited guests to show up are high. Not only pet foods, but any scattered food particles can also increase the risks of possum infestation.

  • Certain fragrances

Cinnamon scents are one of the top reasons why possums are near your home. If the smell lingers around your home or yard, get ready to deal with these nocturnal pests. That is why professional possum removal agents often use cinnamon scents as bait to catch these animals. The smell of sweet potatoes, peanut butter, and other sugary items can also entice them. 

  • Dead animals

It might disgust you, but yes dead animals and skeletal residuals of road kills, bone scraps, etc., can be great snacking items for possums. These pests require rich calcium to stay fit. Thus, they love consuming dead rodents, snakes, etc.,

  • Garden full of provisions

As mentioned earlier, any kind of food is liable for welcoming these destructive pests. If you have a garden full of fruits, fruit seeds, grasses, and nuts, you might need to be utmost cautious as today or tomorrow, you might need to figure out ways to deal with them.        

  • Uncovered or overflowing litter bin

 If you dump half-eaten food, fruit seeds, rotten veggies, etc., into your neighbouring litter bin, make sure to cover and dispose of it. Otherwise, it can provoke the olfactory senses of possums, resulting in their infestation. 

  • Watery & moist environment

Possums usually take shelter near a watery and moist environment. So, if your home stands near a drainage ditch, sewage system, or pond, it can induce the possums to breed in your neighbourhood. 

  • Yard debris

Possums are not very fond of creating their own nests. Instead, they always search for a place where they can hide, and make it their shelter. Brush piles, logs, hollow trees, and other debris turn out to be their favourite spot to hide. If you don’t want these noisy pests to create a nuisance inside your home, make sure to eliminate the possible hiding spots and yard debris.  

Final Words 

Now that you know the top reasons why possums are near your home, you can immediately halt these practices to block their entrance. However, if your family is already infested, seek professional help to eliminate them. Killing a possum is a punishable act, which can lead to severe consequences. That is why you should never undertake any DIY approaches to remove the infestation. Instead, you can call our professionals, as they are well aware of how to capture these animals and release them safely outside your house.

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